Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I keep deleting.

I blog when I'm upset. It's like the perfect place to rant your emotions out.
But then I realize that ALL of my blogs are depressing and consist of me ranting. So I delete them... I don't want to be that girl that rants all the time. People will start to say, "Wow, she's really Unhappy. Wow, she just likes to complain." Because I'm not, and I don't.

I'm terribly sorry if you read my blog. Which... I don't think many do. You don't see the happy side of me because I take out stress relief on my blog.

Kind of like right now. The truth is, I can't find a copy of Machinal, which I really wanted to write a play analysis on. So in a few minutes, I'm going to go buy a copy of Equus. Problem solved. I've mever read Equus, so this should be interesting. It's about a boy who falls in love with a horse. I think.
And also, I'm having a fight with Kenny. I don't normally fight with my friends, but I can only take so much like every other human. And after being ignored for over a month, I've had it.

But no more ranting. Or I'll try not to rant. Pinky promise on the TRY part. There might be a few rants because I'm really upset and have no other outlet.


On the flip side, I'm in The House of Blue Leaves.
This play is awesome. It's a farce/dark comedy.
Don't ask how those two can be connected. If you don't understand how awesome this play is, buy it. Read it. Or if you're my friend, come to JD and see it.

I'm Bunny.
She's an ex-porn star, forreal.
Like, that's one big joke throughout the whole play.

Bananas is crazy. But she's crazy in that, dude. I'd love to get in her head way. She's my competition.

Artie is my boyfriend. HE'S MY BOYFRIEND. Even though he's married to Bananas.

What does that tell you about my character? Haha.

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